Sunday, August 29, 2010

Summer in the Prairies

We did not just do yard work, we helped set up the first annual garage sale and trade show in Ponteix, it was a huge success and we raised money for our local pool, Even Kathy was participating in garage sale with some of her treasures, Diane was looking after about 5 tables, and Ken was our chef for the day he did an awesome job on barbacuing hamburgers and weiners.

Summer in the Prairies

Were we done once we did the garden shed no we had a bit of landscapping to do as well so we made a patch along side the porch and deck and yes with more auction railway ties we built a bed for our junipers.

Summer in the Prairies

These pictures shows the construction of our garden shed we built where the little shed was that we moved it is much nicer now and is bigger for the garden tools etc.

Sprintime in the Prairies

You can see I have several pictures of this shack you might get the idea I really like it well yes I do.

Sprintime in the Prairies

Ah yes getting better notice the sign above the door.

Sprintime in the Prairies

Good, but it still needs a few more things to make it awesome lets see what I can come up with.

Sprintime in the Prairies

Add a few shelves and whola a cool shed.

Sprintime in the Prairies

With a little paint it gets transformed into a shed for stuff.

Sprintime in the Prairies

Thought you might want to see inside the shack here is before and will show some after.

Sprintime in the Prairies

There all set, Ken says it would make a good Mother in Law suite, I said remember I have a Mother in Law also, now lets see what else we can do to make it cute.

Sprintime in the Prairies

Oh yes looks good just a little adjustment here and there and it will be looking good in the back yard.

Sprintime in the Prairies

Oh great the quad is moving the building with no problem to its new home.

Sprintime in the Prairies

O.K. floor is done and shed is skidded onto it, now lets see if we can move it without it falling apart with our quad to the other side of property.

Sprintime in the Prairies

Our next project was to build a floor for this shed and move it from this side of the property to the other side of the property in one piece, sure hope it can be done. Diane insisted on keeping this cute little shack.

Sprintime in the Prairies

Here you can see the steps going out to the back of our property towards garden and back alley of our place.

Sprintime in the Prairies

Another view of the porch and yes the white chair and white rocker in previous picture are purchases of Diane's at another auction.

Sprintime in the Prairies

Ah all done it looks awesome great job Ken now no need to move lawn furniture when mowing lawn.

Sprintime in the Prairies

Getting the deck on with treated wood so no need to paint, it is coming along real nice.

Sprintime in the Prairies

After we got the garden planted we decided to make a porch just off of the greenhouse and our covered in porch area, yes the railway ties are from an auction.

Sprintime in the Prairies

Then it was time to get back to work so here Ken is seeding his garden area yes with a seeder we got at an auction it worked really good,

Fort Nelson

I went on a trip with my older sister to see our Mom and sister in Fort Nelson here we are together Mothers Day Morning May 2010 it was an awesome trip and good times.

Back Home

Once we got back home the auctions started again for us we love going to them and yes we did by this cool 1947 Chev one ton, yes Ken did drive it home from the auction we were at, he plans to restore it and then who knows but it is real cool.

Saskatchewan our Province

Home province at last not far from home now, thankyou all for joning us on our journey with Jim and Carol across some of the states, it was a trip I had always wanted to do I saw everything that I had dreamed about or saw in movies, so it will be Quartzsite from now on for our winter vacations, happy holidays to all, keep coming and enjoying our times with friends in our winter home Quartzsite.


Ken and I headed homeward, to Saskatchewan, as we leave Ontario

Niagra Falls

Wow says Carol now you be careful girl not to fall in.

Niagra Falls

Ken and Carol overlooking the view of the falls.

Niagra Falls

Here you can see both the Canadian and States side of the Falls the one furtherst away is the States side, and a beautiful rainbow to make it complete.

Niagra Falls

Well we are at Niagra Falls here ( I am going back to my blog of our states trip I think it is working now so hope you will continue to follow and see some of Niagra Falls with us) This is the Canadian side as we decided to head across over the border and Ken and I would leave Jim and Carol from this point onward to go home, we choose the Canadian side because the falls are bigger there and you had a better view of both the States side and Canadian side of the falls together very very beautiful.

Friday, August 27, 2010

This is Ontario as we head home to Saskatchewan

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Heading home from Niagra Falls going through Ontario, some intersting scenery